Thursday, 20 May 2010

It’s the time of year when students’ minds are on multiple things – exams, jobs, the vacation.  I am an ‘ambulant’ PVC, keeping my base in my own department and often walking around campus to meet colleagues elsewhere or to attend meetings. Here are a few snatches of student conversations I’ve overhead while doing so in the last few days:
Good luck with it and take care [to a friend just entering the Western Bank Library]
I’m off for an all-nighter in the IC
I e-mailed him to ask to see him but he said he was too busy and would get back to me when he had the time.
… wasn’t really interested in the course but I took it because he’s a fantastic lecturer
… that description about solutions that stick.  What did you make of it? …
I’ve just handed in one essay, another next week and then it’s on to the dissertation.
When is it all going to end?
I’ve just had my head down doing my essay. I hadn’t realised things were so bad.  If the government says no one should go do you think we’ll get all our money back? [Clearly talking about Thailand]
… so I’ve got two interviews – for my dream job.
I’ve never been interested in Turkey – never have, nor Greece.  My sister goes every year though.
There will be no blog tomorrow (Friday) as I’m on leave.  So that’s it for May.

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