Monday, 19 April 2010

As mentioned yesterday, I thought I might provide something of a daily diary for this week's posts.

Today's diary:
0830 arrive at work.  Start on e-mails.
0845 Meeting with senior professional services colleagues over how we should plan the revision to the University's Estates Strategy.  The Faculties have been preparing their estates plans, but over half of the total university estate is not in faculty control but consists of things like library and CiCS spaces, other student facing services, office space for professional services etc.  Actual pool teaching space accounts for less than 4% of the total estate.  This meeting was to work on how we plan for the future of such space.
0930 Return to my room to deal with e-mails. Among the topics that have loomed large during the day have been the following:
- the possible disruptive effects of the volcanic ash cloud and disruption to travel.  After discussion with various interested parties I sent a message to all heads of department asking them to log issues.  Some departments have staff absent and are having to reschedule teaching. During the day I also heard of a PhD student stranded getting back from overseas fieldwork. We have contingency plans in place for various eventualities, but not for the cessation of flights.
- a possible joint project with Leeds on the use of virtual learning environments
- the renewal of our own virtual learning environment (MOLE)
- student exchanges
- items on the agenda for the next Russell Group meeting, to be attended by the VC next week
1130 The Student Union Education Officer comes to see me to make a short film for inclusion in the Union's Awards Evening on Thursday, and to have a regular catch-up on items of mutual concern.
1230 The Education Officer leaves and is replaced by a colleague from Academic Services.  Together we go through the issues around estates planning that come from the meeting I attended at 0845.
1315 To the Students' Union to buy a sandwich for lunch.  While eating it I surf the net for non-work matters - a respite from the rest of the day's agenda. Then it's back to the e-mails.
1400 To two consecutive one-to-one meetings about the draft report of a review group I have been chairing on a particular set of teaching activities.  Those being briefed seem generally happy with the draft report.
1550 Return to my room to continue with the e-mail traffic as indicated above.  Also sort out various documents needed for the next few days meetings: my PA has already sorted out travel arrangements for a visit to London and has organised itineraries etc.
1815 To a part-social / part-work dinner for new Heads of Department to meet members of the University Executive Board.  Such occasions are very important in establishing cordial working relations.
2000 The VC and I have a catch-up conversation (he has just returned from overseas visits and I need to brief him on actions I have taken while he has been away, and on UEB discussions at a board meeting I chaired last week).
2030 Set off for home.

There remain a number of papers to be read through before tomorrow, but I will leave those until after the 2200 news on television.

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